Quilted Reflections

Thursday, 21 March 2013

First Day of Spring

I love signs of spring in the Okanagan. The butter cups are now in bloom, Irises are starting to come up and my cherry trees are starting to bud. How can you not love this time of year.

When the cherry trees bloom its so wonderful! Here is what my cherry tree branches looked like last year. It was a very fruitful year! 

With spring in the air and flowers on the mind there are a few things I love. Check out these flowers painted on silk fabric. I love how vibrant the colors are and how the water resist prevented the paint from spreading in areas that were not meant to be painted. 

Well till next time, happy quilting. 

Friday, 15 March 2013

Okanagan BC Photos

 There are two things in nature that absolutely draw me in. The first is my absolute love for waterfalls, I could spend days sitting by a waterfall and never get tired of it. We are very fortunate here in Peachland to have our own waterfall within walking distance. I take my kids for a hike to the falls sever times a year, they really love it when the salmon are running they say it makes the falls that much more interesting. 
Hardy Falls, Peachland BC
Hardy Falls, Peachland BC
My second passion is trees. Crazy some might think, but for me I think they are amazing. There are so many different varieties and you will never see 2 identical trees. My husband and I went on a hike the other day and I had the opportunity to snap a couple of really interesting photos. My goal this year is to do a huge variety of different landscape quilts using a variety of different techniques. I should have some really great pieces posted on here by July. However, in the mean time I figure I will share with you some of my photos.

Peachland, BC
All copyrights reserved. 

I showed this picture to my husband and asked him what he thought. His comments.... "its a dead tree." For me I see so much more. I love how intricate the branches are on this tree, they twist and curl. Remember when we were kids and we were asked to draw trees in school. I cannot ever remember drawing a tree that would like like this one, rather my branches were straight. I think that now that I am older, and the fact that I am passionate about art quilting I now take the time to stop and rally soak in my surroundings. Its amazing what we actually notice when we slow down and take the time.

Peachland, BC
All Copyrights reserved

I know that you might have difficulty seeing this but to the left of the amazingly tall tree is my husband standing on the edge of the cliff. He was only about 10 feet from the tree but he looks so small. My husband stands just shy of 6 feet tall and in comparison to the height of that magnificent tree he is tiny.

Peachland, BC
All Copyrights reserved
The tree on the far left had all shorter branches on it with the exception of this one long branch sticking out to the right. I did manage to go back last weekend on a sunny day and get some much better images of these trees with the blue sky in the background. Unfortunately I have not uploaded them so I will have to share with you a few more amazing shots when I do.

Well for now that is a sneak peek of some pictures that I will be using bits and pieces of for my future threadplay works. Keep watching and I will share with you some previews along the way.

Till next time Happy Quilting!!


Saturday, 9 March 2013

Saturday Hike in the Okanagan

Ok, so I have to apologize for the delay in my blogs, I am nearing the end of my degree and have to push a bit more to finish all the required assignments before the middle of next month. Once done, look out I will be blogging way more often.

Today I went on a wonderful hike with my husband and girls. The weather was great and the sky was an amazing blue. I have made it a personal quest to go out at least 2 weekends a month on a hike and capture photos that I can use in my thread play pieces. Here are a couple I thought I would share with you.
Peachland, BC.
All copyrights reserved by Coleen Adderley

I loved the color of the sky reflected off the water so beautifully, and how the grasses and tree just seemed to be so perfect. Clean crisp.

Peachland, BC
All copyrights reserved by Coleen Adderley

I took several panoramic views today, and each one turned out so beautifully. I am not sure why there is a black line on the side of the photo but when it uploaded onto this site it added a funny line.

These pictures have inspired a few new pieces. I am so excited to have a bit more time that I can spend in my studio. Looking forward to being done this degree!!

Hope you all have a great week.

Till next time, happy quilting.